SENSITIVE MATERIAL. THIS IMAGE MAY OFFEND OR DISTURB A group of men chanting pro-Hindu slogans, beat Mohammad Zubair, 37, who is Muslim, during protests sparked by a new citizenship law in New Delhi, India, February 24, 2020. "They saw I was alone, they saw my cap, beard, shalwar kameez (clothes) and saw me as a Muslim,” said Zubair. "They just started attacking, shouting slogans. What kind of humanity is this?” REUTERS/Danish Siddiqui/File photo SEARCH "DANISH STORY” FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "WIDER IMAGE” FOR ALL STORIES. TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY.
ڀارت ۾ مسلمانن تي تشدد ۽ انهن سان بري ورتاءَ جي هڪ ٻي وڊيو سامهون اچي وئي.
سوشل ميڊيا تي هڪ وڊيو منظر عام تي آئي آهي جنهن 5 ڄڻا راجسٿان جي ضلعي اجمير ۾ هڪ مسلمان شخص مٿان تشدد ڪندي کيس پاڪستان وڃڻ لاءِ چئي رهيا آهن.